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How do you turn your little one into a real Foodie?

Hello Little Foodie!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Developing your baby's sense of taste is very important and will prevent them from becoming picky eaters later. A healthy and varied diet as a baby will benefit you for the rest of your life. Some people go as far as trying to introduce their baby to a 100 different flavours before their first birthday.

It all starts in the womb
Did you know that your baby's first interactions with taste take place in the womb? There, the baby will get acquainted with the flavours of the food their mother eats during pregnancy. If you eat lots of vegetables during your pregnancy, this will influence the sense of taste of your little one. As a result, they'll enjoy vegetables more later on.

Why don't we enjoy vegetables right away?
There's a logical reason why it's often harder to get your little one to eat vegetables than fruit. This can be explained through evolution. In the past, when humans gathered their own food, a bitter or sour taste was often a warning by nature that something was poisonous. Vegetables are often a little bitter, which means babies generally like those less than sweet fruit. Persistence will pay off, however, so make sure to offer your child a few small bites over and over again. After ten to fifteen times, your little one will start liking it more and more.

Crunchy versus soft
In addition to flavours, raising your little Foodie also involves introducing them to various textures. Give them little pieces one day, and puréed food the other, and alternate between boiled versus raw etc. Research shows that children often prefer crunchy food. This is because crunchy food offers children better mouth control than slippery food.

Turn eating into a happy experience
Eating and drinking are an important part of the life of your little one. Doing things by themselves (‘I wanna do it!’) is an important milestone for most of them. Be patient, and give your little one the time they need to interact with their food. There are various products that can help them on the road to eating independently. Take a look at the collection of crockery for babies, toddlers and preschoolers that Little Dutch launched in cooperation with Mepal.
In addition to various drinking cups, this collection includes a practice plate with a practice spoon, a children's bowl and cutlery. The practice plate features a tall, curved edge, making it easier for your little one to get their food onto the spoon, which will make them a very happy foodie!

As usual, this Little Dutch collection in cooperation with Mepal looks absolutely wonderful and is guaranteed to turn any meal into an absolute party!

Enjoy, Little Foodie!

There are plenty of useful websites that can help you find the right approach when it comes to nutrition and your little one. In addition, the consultation clinic offers a wealth of information on this topic, too.



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