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Sailors Bay Boat Mobile

Thursday, October 14, 2021

This is a DIY for all small explorers.
Are you also in love with the boat theme of the Sailors Bay collection?
In that case, this mobile is a must for your nursery. With the calm, natural materials, it is a guaranteed fit for all the beautiful products of this new Little Dutch collection. 

What do you need:
- 8 sheets of sturdy, white A4 paper
- 16 wooden beads
- 2 20-cm wooden slats
- A spool of string

Step 1: Folding boats
- Put the A4 sheet down in front of you in an upright orientation.
- Fold the A4 sheet over into an A5 sheet.
- Give the paper a quarter turn and fold it over again.
- Open the paper and fold the tips towards the centre.
- Fold the bottom edge upwards to cover the corners.
- Flip the paper and fold the corners inwards.
- Once more, fold the bottom edge upwards to cover the triangle.
- Fold the tips backwards to create a triangle.
- Open the triangle and fold the tips towards each other to create a twisted square.
- Fold the tips upwards to create a smaller triangle.
- Open this triangle, fold the tips towards each other to create another square.
- Open the square by pulling the tips.
- Finally, model the boat by rounding the bottom.
- Repeat these steps for all sheets, until you have 8 lovely boats.

Step 2: create 4 hanging garlands
- Cut a length of string measuring 40 cm.
- Knot the bottom.
- Thread a bead onto the string.
- Tie a knot about 6 cm from the bead.
- Use scissors to create a small hole in the middle corner of a boat.
Thread a boat onto the string until it gets stuck on the bead.
- Tie a knot about 6 cm from the boat and thread a beat onto the string until it gets stuck on the knot.
- Tie a knot 6 cm from the bead and thread a boat onto the string.
- Tie a knot 6 cm from the boat and thread the beads until they reach the knot.

Repeat these steps until you have created four lovely garlands. If you alternate two bead colours and thread them in a slightly different way from our example, you'll get an extra playful effect.

Step 3: Attach the garlands to the slats
- Put the two slats on the table like a cross.
- Tie the slats together in the centre to create a cross.
- attach the garlands to the ends of the cross.
- attach a longer piece of rope to the centre of the cross. You can use this to hang the mobile from the ceiling.

It's night in the bay. The boats bob gently on the waves. Even the seagulls have gone quiet.
Time to go to sleep. Dream softly under this beautiful boat mobile.


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