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A creative sandwich to eat at home or on the road!

DIY Creative Food

Monday, March 21, 2022

A creative sandwich to eat at home or on the road!
Surprise your little foodie with a healthy, cheerful sandwich for breakfast or lunch.
In this DIY guide, we'll give you the inspiration you need for a delicious lunch... in style!

Perhaps you've already seen it, but we recently launched a wonderful crockery collection in collaboration with Mepal. To accompany these great plates and cups, we're happy to share some amazing sandwich inspiration. After all, Little Dutch loves sticking to a theme!

So how about a Brown Boat Sandwich to go with the Sailors Bay theme? Or a sugar-free flower snack in Flowers and Butterflies style?

With this DIY, you can teach your little one that healthy food can be delicious and fun as well!

What do you need?
For the Boat Sandwich:

  • Half a loaf of sliced brown bread
  • 1 slice of ham
  • 2 slices of cheese
  • Butter
  • Mini cucumber
  • Red bell pepper

For the flower snacks:

  • 1 tangerine
  • 1 cherry tomato
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 slices of white bread
  • 1 slice of luncheon meat

What are you going to do?
For the Boat Sandwich:

Cut two triangles from the slices of brown bread and then cut the top off another slice. Position the pieces of bread to form a small boat with two sails. Butter the pieces of bread. Cut the ham and cheese slices into strips. Put the strips on the two sails and cut them to the length of the triangles. Similarly, put a slice of cheese on the bottom part of the boat and cut it to size.
Now decorate the boat with little slices of mini cucumber. Those are the portholes! Finally, cut a strip of red bell pepper to create a mast. To finish the boat off, make a little bell pepper flag for the mast top.

Enjoy, little captain!

For the savoury flower snacks:
Peel the tangerine and put the pieces fanned out on a plate. Put half a tomato in the centre to form the heart of the flower.
For the second flower, cut a circle out of two stacked slices of bread. Put the luncheon meat in between. Next, use a knife to cut six notches into the round slice of bread. This creates the petals! Finish the two flowers with two strips of cucumber to form the stems and maybe some triangular bits of cucumber to form leaves or grass.

Dig in, busy bee!


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