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Make the Easter breakfast table look even more festive with a home-made Easter bunny place mat

DIY | Easter bunny place mat

Friday, March 31, 2023

When you think of Easter, you probably think of a delicious Easter breakfast with Easter eggs and delicious bread rolls. This DIY Easter bunny place mat will make your table look even more festive! Make this lovely place mat together with your child. How many different Easter bunnies can you make

 You will need:

  • White paint
  • Pink paint
  • Small paintbrush
  • Foam paintbrush
  • Black fineliner
  • 3 empty toilet rolls
  • Firm brown paper/card for the mat
  • (Masking) tape

Step 1:

Tape the three toilet rolls together, with one below the other two. Squeeze the tops of the top two rolls into points, to represent the ears. Paint a thick layer of white paint around the edges of all three rolls.This is easiest using the foam brush. Now stamp this onto your mat! 

Step 2:

Using the pink paint, paint a little heart in the middle of the bottom circle. That’s the Easter bunny’s nose. Paint the ears the same colour, as shown in the photo above.

Step 3:

Now it’s time to give the Easter bunny some eyes and whiskers! Using the fineliner, draw the eyes above the nose. Next, simply draw three lines either side of the pink heart for the whiskers. Finally, draw a little mouth for the finishing touch.

Your Easter bunny place mat is now finished. Wow, it’s really lovely! Make sure it has pride of place on the Easter breakfast table.

On behalf of the Little Dutch team, Happy Easter!