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Key bowl of clay

Monday, June 15, 2020

In the Netherlands we celebrate Father's Day on the 21th of June. A good moment to make him a little present together with your child. This bowl of clay is super easy to make with only a few items needed. And there's another good thing about this self made present: dad will never lose his keys again!


What you need:

  • Clay
  • Water
  • Rolling pin  
  • Brush
  • Key
  • Letter stamps

This is how you make it:

  1. Take a piece of the clay
  2. Wet your hands and make the clay flexible
  3. Roll the clay with the roller pin
  4. Use your hands to form a bowl of the clay
  5. Make the clay smooth with a wet brush
  6. Push a key into the clay and remove it carefully
  7. Use the stamps to push some letters of choice into the clay
  8. Let dry for 24 hours

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