Little Dutch balance bikes and wooden balance scooters
A balance bike is perfect to teach children keep their balance and practice for a pedal bike with training wheels and ultimately to handle a bike without training wheels. It is important that the child’s feet can reach the ground and that they can pull them up when they have taken a run-up or have been given a little push. The chance of falling over is much smaller when they are able to reach the ground with their feet.
Most children want to be in control outdoors once they’ve outgrown the stroller. Bringing a balance bike on a stroll means that children can bridge a greater distance and keep going for a longer time.
Wooden balance scooter
Little Dutch’s wooden scooter is a striking balance bike. Children use their legs to move forward. This encourages the development of balance and teaches them to steer in the right direction by using the handlebars. The scooter has a soft padded saddle and brown handlebars.
The balance scooter is made of wood and has eco-friendly rubber tyres. It is available in the colours mint, pink and blue.
The balance scooter is adjustable in 3 heights: low 31 cm, medium 33 cm and high 35 cm. The maximum weight capacity is 30 kg.
Little Dutch balance bike
The Little Dutch 12-inch balance bike is the perfect first bicycle for your child! This balance bike is a safe and durable balance bike for children aged 2 and over. Riding a balance bike is ideal for the development of control and balance. Perfect as a stepping stone to a bike with pedals.
The metal bike is coated with environmentally-friendly paint. Available in the colours pink, mint and blue.
The balance bike has environmentally-friendly 12-inch tyres. The saddle height is adjustable from 36 – 42 centimetres (it is measured from the floor to the top of the saddle). The maximum weight capacity is 30 kg.
For both balance bike models a stand is available to park the bike in an upright position. This makes the balance bike a cute accessory in the playroom or other room in the house!
*The age category has been determined based on the supplied parts for the assembly of the bike. Small parts are included that may be swallowed by children under 3. If you choose to use the balance bike before the recommended age, we suggest you pay attention to the small parts while assembling the bike and supervise the use of the balance bike at all times.
What toys are suitable for your baby or child?
It is important to decide what you want for your little one. Every toy offers a different incentive or stimulus. Children use their toys to develop their senses.
If your baby, toddler or pre-school has lots of options for toys to play with, this will contribute to their development. Use the age filters in our online toy shop to easily search for age appropriate toys.
If you are looking for advice we offer lots of information in our blogs. We also give personal advice, so you can be sure that your baby, toddler or pre-school child is able to play safely and with lots of fun.
It’s playtime with Little Dutch toys
You have come to the right place for wooden toys, soft toys, baby gyms, balance bikes, bath toys, games, puzzles, and toys for travelling that suit your baby or child.
From baby and toddler to pre-school children: Little Dutch offers a vast collection of toys for children of all ages in its online toy shop.
The toy shop is filled with games and toys in the soft, modern colours that are characteristic of the Little Dutch brand.
Little Dutch’s online toy shop
Little Dutch offers the possibility to order a balance book online for your child. Order before 2:00 pm and your order is shipped the same day (from Mon-Fri). The balance bikes are shipped free of charge to the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.