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Do it yourself!

Light-up theatre

Monday, May 10, 2021

It’s a fact that children have a rich imagination. This light-up theatre will therefore be perfect. It’s great fun to make it with the kids and once ready, the nicest stories can be invented and performed for each other. Lights out, spotlights on!

You will need:

  • cardboard box

  • Stanley knife

  • baking paper

  • scissors

  • glue

  • marker

  • skewers

  • prints

  • torch


  1. Cut the sides out of the cardboard box and a square area out of the front. Cut (with the scissors or knife) a façade out of the remaining pieces of cardboard.
  2. On the inside of the box, glue a sheet of baking paper around the edges behind the cut-out square. Glue the cardboard façade to the top of the box on the front. Using a marker, write ‘Theatre’ on it.
  3. Print the illustrations and cut them out. Glue a skewer to the back. Put a torch in the box and turn off the lights in the room.

Your light-up theatre is ready to use!



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